Name: Yugi Moto (Yuugi Mutou)
Race: Human [duh]
Gender: Male [I told you so, Sydny!]
Age: 16 [Yugi driving...hmmm....]
Hair: Black, Blond, Red [Got to love the tricolored hair]
Eyes: Purple [Contact lenses?]
Height: 5'0 [If Yugi does drive, he won't be able to reach the petles]
Weight: 93 lbs. [Wow, he weighs less then I do and I'm younger]
Grade: Sophomore

Name: Joseph Wheeler (Katsuya Jounouchi [Thats a mouthfull])
Alias: Joey Wheeler, Monkey Boy [don't ask], Blondie
Race: Human [...]
Gender: Male [BTW, Joey fans like me out there, Joey is mine! :K He's so hot]
Age: 16 [I think he drives]
Hair: Blond [He's NOT a dumb blond, either]
Eyes: Brown [BIG brown eyes *swoon*]
Height: 5'10 [Finely, someone who's taller then me]
Weight: 137 lbs.
Grade: Sophomore

Name: Tristan Taylor [Yippy, what a creative name] (Hiroto Honda [He's named after a car!]
Race: Human [It's hard to tell that though]
Gender: Male [Not cute]
Age: 16
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'10 [Taller then Joey]
Weight: 143 lbs.
Grade: Sophomore

Name: Mia Valentine (Mia Kujaku)
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 20 [Little old for Joey, but that doesn't stop love!]
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Purple [They must be all the rage in Japan]
Height: 5'8
Weight: 115
Status: Dualest

Name: Bakura ( Ryou Bakura)
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Hair: White [I don't know HOW his hair got this color]
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'7
Weight: 114 lbs.
Grade: Sophomore (keeper of the Millennium Ring)

Name: Serenity Wheeler (Shizuka Jounouchi [Try saying that ten times fast])
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'3 [I'm geussing agin]
Weight: 115 lbs.
Status: Joey's Younger Sister

Name: Rex Raptor (Dinosaur Ryuzaki)
Race:Human [Sydny said he came from the same planet as Weevile]
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Hair: Brown with purple bangs? [Wierdo]
Eyes: None [I mean it, he doesn't have an eye color]
Height: [I have no crapping idea]
Weight: [" " " " " ]
Status: Dualest

Name: Pharaoh ??? [I know his real name! Hah! But I won't tell!]
Alias: Yami Yugi [Or, just call him Yami]
Race: Human [This is stupid]
Gender: Male [And a very snexy one, too]
Age: 5000 years [He doesn't look THAT old]
Hair: Black, Blond, Red [Here's the tricolored hair!]
Eyes: Purple [People and there contacts]
Height: Around 5'5 [I'm geussing]
Weight: 115 lbs. [I'm geussing again, one site said he was 93 lbs. O.o He's a stick]
Grade: Nobody knows Egyptian schooling so...yeah

Name: Seto Kiaba (Seto Kiaba [Wow, he kept his real name])
Race: Human [I'm about to stop putting this on]
Gender: Male [He would be cute, if he would smile!]
Age: 17
Hair: Brown [Like mine!]
Eyes: Blue [Not like mine]
Height: 6'1 [*feels short*]
Weight: 143 lbs.
Status: Owner& President of Kiaba Corp

Name: Tea Gardener (Anzu Mazaki)
[I'm not going to put anything about Tea, becuase I hate her guts]

Name: Mokuba Kaiba (Mokuba Kaiba)
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 11
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue/ Gray
Height: 4'8 [Wow, someone who's shorter then Yugi]
Weight: 68 lbs.
Status: Kiaba's Little Brother

Name: Duke Delvin (Ryuji Otogi)
Race: Human
Gender: Male [An ugly one, too. Nice earing, pony tail, and eye liner, buddy.]
Age: 16 [He has a car]
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'8
Weight: 140 lbs.
Grade: Sophomore

Name: Weevile Underwood (Insector Haga) [Gaw, who named this poor kid]
Alias: Weevile Underpants, Bug Boy
Race: Human [I think, Sydny says he came from another planet, I think I believe her]
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Hair: Blue [What is with multicolored hair?]
Eyes: Blue
Height: 4'7 [Pfizerp *holding in luaghter*]
Weight: 102 lbs. [I'm geussing]
Status: Dualest

Name: Valon (Varon)
Race: Human
Gender: Male [He's so hot! *huggles*]
Age: 19
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue [*swoon*]
Height: 5'10 [Geussing]
Weight: 129 lbs. [Geussing Again]
Status: Doom Organization Member, Duelist
[Ok, I'm sure your wondering what in the world in Valon doing here, I will tell you. Valon is my second favourite
Character so he had to be put on here, no matter how small his role is :P ~Draik]