The Number One Yu-Gi-Oh Couple....
Is (of course) Joey and Mia. If there was ever two people so ment for each other it was these two. An odd street kid (not
mention cute) falling in love with a smart beautiful tough gal is perfect. Personaly, this match was made in heaven. Even
though I want Joey! :P

The third Yu-Gi-Oh Couple is...
Yugi & Rebecca Hawkins! I mean come on! They're the same height, too. I not sure how Yugi feels
about Becca, but I do know she likes him...a whole lot. For those Yugi & Anzu fans out there, I have a news
flash: IT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN. Not in my book at lest. Anzu needs to go fall off the nearest cliff, for all I care ( and
Bakura can go with her.)

The second Yu-Gi-Oh Couple...
Is none other then Seto Kiaba and Serenity Wheeler. I have heard many rumors about Kiaba and Mia and then it was Kiaba
and Isis and then there was the rumors about Serenity. Serenity and Tristan, Serenity and Duke (I feel really sorry for her
if she got stuck with those guys). This is the best couple, She is to sweet to be true and he was smart and well, um...tall.
Anyway, THE perfect couple. (I really like this picture, too!)
This couple has been the center of debate. O.o some say it's great other say NEVAH! But, eh, I like it...hence it's staying
on teh site. Unless you have any other person that could stand Seto Kaiba? Other then youself, Seto Fans! *mumbles*